Our stakeholders

What’s important for us?

Good, long-term relations with the environment are the basis of every responsible business. PGE’s goal is to be a good neighbor and partner in all our activities. We are building a platform for dialogue with our stakeholders by undertaking numerous activities involving our business partners, non-governmental organizations, local communities, customers and the media. The purpose of the dialogue is to learn about the real needs and expectations of stakeholders towards the PGE Group in our business areas, including new ones, such as offshore wind energy. The energy industry will face a huge transformation in the coming decades, which will be felt for the entire society and the economy – getting to know the expectations and sometimes also fears related to this process will allow for better management of the Group in the future and appropriate adaptation of its strategy in the coming years.

Dialogue sessions

PGE Group holds cyclical dialogue sessions or stakeholder panels to learn the opinions and expectations of both the business and local communities. Invitations to such meetings are sent to representatives of the following key groups: government administration, regulators, media, industry and non-governmental organisations, academic communities, investors, representatives of local communities and employees.

Expectations of internal and external stakeholders towards the PGE Capital Group reported during the last stakeholder panel.

  • Educational activities concerning the functioning of the electricity and heat market, energy efficiency as well as the safe use of energy and electricity infrastructure (including education of children and young people)
  • Support for local communities, active implementation of the good neighborhood policy; actions at the level of individual companies
  • Investing in environmental projects, financing research projects focused on reducing environmental impact, investments aimed at increasing the share of power generation from renewable energy sources
  • Reducing the environmental impact of operations
  • Emissions to the atmosphere (types and quantity of substances emitted – measurements, targets)
  • Business ethics, managing ethics in organizations (including anti-corruption measures)
  • Promoting occupational health and safety
  • Generational gap management
  • Investments in power generation from renewable energy sources
  • Ensuring energy security – providing dependable access to electricity and heat

The stakeholder panel planned for 2020 could not take place in the expected form and on the agreed date due to the pandemic, so PGE Group engaged in other forms of dialogue with its key stakeholders, using online solutions. Meetings with potential business partners or workshops for contractors from the energy and other sectors were held in this way.

In the field of dialogue with external stakeholders – PGE Group companies organize energy forums with representatives of local government authorities and public consultations related to their investments.

In 2020, PGE Baltica held online meetings with potential contractors in a tender for geotechnical surveying as part of its offshore wind farm project in the Baltic sea. And in 2021, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna conducted information workshops for potential suppliers of products and services for the construction of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. The event was broadcast online and gathered nearly 500 companies, of which over 400 were domestic companies.

Information workshops for suppliers of products and services interested in cooperation in the project to build offshore wind farms for PGE took place on June 1, 2021. The workshop was attended by representatives of PGE, PGE Baltica, as well as the Danish company Ørsted. The event gathered nearly 500 companies, of which over 400 were domestic companies. During the workshops, participants could, among other things, learn about the schedule of PGE’s investments in offshore wind farms, the scope of the works being carried out, or the plans for the development of harbour infrastructure. PGE’s tender portal was also presented to make it easier for potential contractors to participate in tenders organized by PGE. It was also possible to enter into the database of potential PGE suppliers. Examples of building a local supply chain by PGE’s Danish partner – Ørsted were also presented.

More information here.

PGE Energia Ciepła also organized a workshop for contractors where it presented its investment plans and rules for preparing tender procedures based on the Public Procurement Law.

More information here.

Significance matrix

Our stakeholders and their commitment to the company

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Government administration Our cooperation with the government administration is always based on dialogue and respect for the law. Due to the scale and scope of our activities as well as the nature of our business we are deeply engaged with public bodies. Important role that PGE plays in the Polish economy makes us natural partner to wide range of government institutions.
Media The main channel used by our company to communicate with the stakeholders. Media provide the public opinion with information on our plans, performance and achievements therefore we attach great attention to the quality and proactive approach to media relations considering growing role of access to comprehensive information on our company.
Power industry organisation As a member of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) we belong to EURELECTRIC representing interests of the European electric power industry. This initiative allows us to stay updated and share our knowledge. It also provides opportunities for influencing the Eurelectric’s position on issues related to European legislation. Being part of the Polish Member Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC) we play the leading role in shaping policies and indicating directions of activities of this organization.
Non-governmental organisations We take part in the proceedings of numerous national as well as international organisations and associations. Companies within our Group are active on local, nationwide, as well as on foreign markets. We participate in activities of 25 various institutions.
Business partners With our genuine commitment to corporate ethics we strive to be recognized as trustworthy partner. We do believe fair and transparent business practices are essential for mutually successful long-term cooperation.
Employees Our key priority is to ensure safe working conditions and stable employment for our employees, at the same time providing them with interesting professional challenges and opportunities to realise unique projects. We treat social dialogue as inseparable part of our business activity.
Local authorities We are an important partner for local communities – in particular for local governments of communes where we pursue our business activities. We build our relations on confidence, mutual respect, and collaboration on projects for development of local communities.
Scientific communities We know how enormous is the potential of academic staff and students. Therefore, we establish pro-development partnerships with higher education institutions across the country and take care of appropriate utilisation of innovative scientific works and human potential.
Shareholders PGE IR department is dedicated to manage and coordinate all activities required to initiate and maintain good relationship with our current and potential shareholders. This implies the comprehensive communication and timely information to the market.
Suppliers What we buy and who we buy it from is of significant importance for us. PGE procurement policy places emphasis on observance of high ethical, social and environmental standards by potential suppliers.
Customers We are always committed to safety and standards of collaboration, proactively meeting the changing customer needs. PGE’s diversified offer is tailored to fit the individual needs of end users. We follow our customers with diversified forms of contact. To understand our customers’ needs better, we conduct regular satisfaction surveys and use diversified communication channels. This helps us to continuously improve service standards and build up positive relations with customers.
Subcontractors Investment process in our business bases on symbiotic cooperation with subcontractors to bring about desired effects.
Regulator Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) is a central body of Polish state administration in accordance with Polish Energy Law responsible for regulation in energy sector as well as promotion of competition. The President of ERO regulates activities of energy enterprises aiming to balance interests of energy companies and customers.
Local communities Before initiation of every single investment project we hold a dialogue with local communities to provide comprehensive information regarding investment process as well as to recognize and match social expectations in order to minimise our adverse impact on the environment.

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