New business model

We are Poland's largest vertically integrated producer and supplier of electricity and largest producer of heat.

PGE today and tomorrow...

We operate across the entire value chain: we produce electricity and heat at our conventional and CHP plants, then we sell and supply these to our customers throughout Poland, including households, businesses, institutions and local governments.

As PGE Group’s strategy is being implemented and the government’s plan to carve out coal assets is moving forward, our business model is set to change – from being primarily an energy producer, PGE will predominately become a distributor of energy. PGE’s generating potential will be gradually re-built as investments in new generating assets, especially offshore wind farms, are implemented.

The functioning of the organisation is based on the use of capitals and the transformation of capitals. As PGE’s business model changes, its capitals and their proportions will also transform

In a changing organisation, the key results of transforming the organisation’s capitals will also evolve. These will ultimately be:

  • Leader of sustainable energy transition
  • Investments to build a new energy mix for Poland and stimulate the economy
  • Stable returns on investment
  • New jobs in coal regions
  • Decarbonisation of district heating and clean air in cities

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