
We are the second largest energy distributor in terms of the number of customers, with approx. 25 percent. share in the Polish energy distribution market. Our distribution area covers almost 40 percent. area of Poland. With the use of over 290 thousand. km of the power grid, we supply electricity to over 5.5 million customers.

The business of the segment is the provision of electricity supply services to final off-takers via high, medium and low voltage power grids and devices.

PGE-volume-ENG (1) PGE-volume-ENG (1)

* managerial perspective

Segment revenue is based on a tariff for electricity distribution services, which is approved by the ERO President every year at company request and is regulated.

As a rule thumb, the tariff should allow costs related to the distribution system operator’s on-going activities to be transferred. These are both justified operating costs, depreciation as well as costs related to the necessity to cover grid losses on electricity distribution or the purchase of transmission services from the TSO. At the same time, the tariff reflects the transferred costs in fees such as the RES fee, transition fee or – starting from 2019 – co-generation fee.

The key element shaping the Distribution segment’s result is return on PGE’s invested capital. This is based on the Regulatory Asset Base (“RAB”), which is established on the basis of completed investments and taking into account asset depreciation. The Regulatory Asset Base serves as the basis for calculating return on capital, using weighted average cost of capital, which is published by the ERO President in accordance with a set formula and using as the risk free rate the average yield on 10-year State Treasury bonds with the longest maturity during the 18-month period preceding the tariff application submission, quoted on the Treasury BondSpot market. As part of the tariff process for 2021, the ERO President extended the observation period for the profitability of the 10-year State treasury bonds to 36 months. In addition, return on capital depends on the achievement of individual quality targets set by the ERO President for performance indicators including: interruption time, interruption frequency, connection time and (not yet included) time to provide metering and settlement data.

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Volume, customers and operating data

PGE Dystrybucja S.A. operates in the area of 129 829 sq. km and delivers electricity to approximately 5.5 million customers.

PGE-distributionarea-ENG PGE-distributionarea-ENG

Volume of distributed energy and number of customers in 2020 and 2019

Tariff Volume (TWh)* Number of customers
according to power take-off points
2020 2019 2020 2019
A tariff group 5.16 5.56 111 109
B tariff group 13.99 14.28 12,504 12,120
C+R tariff groups 6.5 6.92 486,272 483,668
G tariff group 10.02 9.62 5,030,101 4,966,098
TOTAL 35.67 36.38 5,528,988 5,461,995
* with additional estimation of sales.


Operational data Unit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Number of stations, including: pieces             95,603 95,014 94,203 93,488 92,770
number of transformer stations pieces             94,955 94,326 93,684 93,031 92,405
MVA power MVA             32,663 32,347 31,696 31,096 30,323
Total length of power lines km          295,613 293,825 291,002 287,992 285,584
HV lines km             10,336 10,317 10,284 10,281 10,197
MV lines km          114,539 113,856 112,418 111,568 110,801
LV lines km          170,738 169,652 168,300 166,143 164,586
Grid loss ratio % 5.2 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.8
SAIDI ratio, including: minutes                  251 261 299 557 401
Planned minutes 40 58 87 95 119
Unplanned with catastrophic minutes 211 203 212 462 282
SAIFI ratio, including: per customer 3.67 3.88 3.92 5.48 4.49
Planned per customer                 0.24 0.31 0.47 0.48 0.61
Unplanned with catastrophic per customer 3.43 3.57 3.45 5 3.88
Connection time days 206 199 211 215 248


* Data for 2016-2019 updated pursuant to G.10-5 report

Key factors for the results of the segment

The Distribution segment is characterised by a relative stability of financial results. Results depend on the volume of energy distributed and the level of distribution tariff set by the regulator. Moreover, results depend on the cost to cover balancing differences.

Capital expenditures

Capital expenditures incurred in Distribution segment in 2020 and 2019

PLN million 2020 2019 % change
Development investments 791 881 -10%
Modernisation and replacement 781 1,245 -37%
Other 108 99 9%
TOTAL 1,680 2,225 -24%

In 2020 the largest expenditures in amount of PLN 694 million were incurred for connection of new off-takers.

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